Welcome to Wapakoneta High School!

Welcome to the WHS web page.  Our goal is to provide a web page that is easy to navigate and provides important information. If you feel something is missing and the page could #bebetter, please feel free to make suggestions by using one of our email links. 

Building Administrators

Scott Minnig - minnsc@wapak.org

Assistant Principal
Zane McElory - mcelza@wapak.org

Athletic Director
Brad Rex - rexbr@wapak.org

Director of Alternative Learning
Travis Moyer - moyetr@wapak.org

Director of Special Education
Kassie Hill - hillka@wapak.org

Building Secretaries

Building Secretary
Angie Whitmore - whitan@wapak.org

Athletic Secretary
Kami Rex - rexka@wapak.org

Guidance Secretary
Kim Dirr - dirrki@wapak.org
--Transcript Requests
--Work Permits

Student Services Secretary
Barb Webb - webbba@wapak.org
--Special Education Needs

School Hours

Summer Office Hours: 8:00am - Noon & 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Building Office Hours: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Doors Open: 7:00 am
Staff Arrival: 7:30 am
Student Day: 7:40 am - 2:38 pm

Bell Schedule

Warning Bell: 7:30
1st Period: 7:40 - 8:25
2nd Period: 8:29 - 9:14
3rd Period: 9:18 - 10:03
RR: 10:07 - 10:38
4th Period A: 10:42 - 11:02
4th Period B: 11:06 - 11:31 (8th Grade Lunch)
5th Period: 11:35 - 12:00
6th Period: 12:04 - 12:29
7th Period: 12:33 - 12:58
8th Period: 1:02 - 1:47
9th Period: 1:51 - 2:38

2 Hr Delay Schedule

Building Opens: 9:00
Warning Bell: 9:30
1st Period: 9:40 - 10:06
2nd Period: 10:10 - 10:36
3rd Period: 10:40 - 11:06
RR: 11:10 - 11:38
4th Period: 11:42 - 12:07
5th Period: 12:11 - 12:36
6th Period: 12:40 - 1:05
7th Period: 1:09 - 1:34
8th Period: 1:38 - 2:04
9th Period: 2:08 - 2:38

School Supplies:
There are no "set" school supplies for high school students. Teachers will let students know exactly what they need the first day of school. However, you can buy pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, etc.

Schedule Pick-Up:
Students can pick up their schedule online through Progressbook. https://parentaccess.noacsc.org

The Wapak Way

Respectfully embrace differences. Speak kindly and purposefully. Educate yourself on cultural uniqueness. Today, tomorrow...always!

One of our big initiatives is to continue promoting the Wapak Way throughout the building. The goals is to create a culture of respect among the students and staff. We recognize that we are not perfect, but we will continue to educate and encourage our students and staff to behave in a respectful manner.